Losing the INTP result, switching toward ESTP

I'd like to ask you if you find Sigmund Freud's theories of penis envy applicable to this situation? Replace "penis" with your switched personality traits.

Soon after the shift to the Introverted Intuitive Thinker Perceiver, you as a child developed your first sexual impulses towards your fetishization of those traits.

You realized that you were not physically equipped to have a heterosexual relationship with your personality traits, you just couldn't fuck em, since you did not have a penis, or an ability to relate your feelings to the public's requirements...

You desired a penis, and the power that it represented. This is described as penis envy. You saw the solution as obtaining the general public's penis.

You developed a sexual desire for the general public's personality traits.

You blamed your less commonly accepted personality traits for their apparent castration (what you saw as punishment by them for being attracted to the general public's traits) assisting a shift in the focus of your sexual impulses from INTP to ESTP.

Sexual desire for the ESTP leads to the desire to replace and eliminate the INTP.

You identified with your INTP-ness so that you might learn to mimic the traits, and thus replace them on the grand scale of the paradigm of western civilization.

You anticipate that both aforementioned desires will incur punishment (by the principle of lex talionis).

You employ the defense mechanism of displacement to shift the object of your sexual desires from the ESTP to societal roles in general.

This series of events occurrs prior to the development of a wider sense of sexual identity, and is required for an individual to continue to enter into his or her role. You're just shedding your scales, b.

Welcome to the world of spelling "archaeology" as "archeology", it sucks. It really does.

/r/INTP Thread