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Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan: Chapter 2 - Golden Sea of Trees (Arrow 1)

Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan: Chapter 2 - Golden Sea of Trees (Arrow 1)

“What do you want him to comment about”, You really are fucking retarded, but that’s to be expected isn’t it?

His reasoning is “i want him to be dark because everyone else is white and I’m upset like a little bitch.” Sad pathetic shit can only see color, but that’s to be expected from racist little shits like you.

Maybe next time, form an independent thought instead of regurgitating the shit that is forced into your mouth by this sub. But you wouldn’t, would you? You like being a little bitch that conforms to others idea’s. Sit down child, you’re clearly not intelligent enough to have this conversation.

Also, use “obsession” right? You’re kinda pathetic not knowing how to use google. Shove your head back into your ass please

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