Louis CK's Movie Premiere Canceled in Advance of N.Y. Times Story

Thank you! Finally someone else is having a little bit of perspective in this. If anyone read the article, or the second one if you scroll down...Louis CK 'allegedly' masturbated on THE PHONE to/with a woman. And 'allegedly' masturbated in front of 2 others, but the article makes the claim that somehow then he masturbated in front of 5 women. This is sheer media blitzing. I'm not minimizing the impact of sexual assault or harassment, I'm not minimizing what Harvey Wienstein did, or Kevin Spacey etc. Apparently the media has forgotten about libel and slander laws in this country! This is the kind of stuff you read in the National Inquirer. At this point in history, if a person is accused by another of doing something sexual, it is automatically true, and everything in their life comes crashing down because it is picked up by the MSM and Sociall Media channels and spreads like wild fire. It's insane. Think back to the Satanic Scare of the 80's, everyone's child was being molested, and every day care was a secret satanic cult. Just because we are more technologically advanced, and "smarter" doesn't mean we aren't prone to mass hysteria, I'm not saying everyone coming out is lying, or hysterical. But who benefits more from all of this sensational media coverage, the victims or the media?

/r/movies Thread Parent Link - hollywoodreporter.com