I love Monero because it is private, permissionless, and can't be censored. Unfortunutely the top place for monero discussion is on a platform dominated by censorship, shaddow bans, outright bans, and deplatforming ?


Let's use an example. Imagine the old town forum, where people meet in the city center and discuss. In that forum, if a person shares an idea that no one likes, it's easy for everyone there to shut them down and move on to other talking points. The person can complain, get louder, whatever, but they are doing it at the risk of the crowd's physical violence if they become too hysterical.

There is no mechanism to do that easily on the internet, so we need moderation. And frankly I firmly disagree with you. This sub is filled with disingenuous extremists that only seek to cause trouble and fear monger.

Further, the reddit CEO has been really clear that they don't take much stuff down, meaning it's the sub's moderators you are complaining about.

If you really value listening to a bunch of idiots shout about how they are victims in a world that caters to them, go to 4chan.

/r/Monero Thread