Low priority really is merciless. :(

that's why Low Priority punishes players with bad conduct like yourself, so accept it, embrace it and try to improve.

What bad conduct? Both of my last 2 ranked games before low priority where wins, in which each, I had a stellar track performance as a carry:


You will play heroes you either bad at or don't know how to play. Valve FORCES you to pick different heroes and learn. Any new information for the brain is hard when the player just wants to have fun. You will be forced to learn something new and adapt in order to win and leave LP pit.

So you're asking me to "not have fun" in a video game? Why would I ever do that?

This is discipline! You deserve it, now go and get your punishment while learning something new and trying to get a better person.

Again, why would I go through something I don't enjoy or deserve? Hey, my last 2 games were ranked wins with me having a stellar performance as a carry: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/126495919/matches?page=3 If I flamed someone, I deserve a mute, not LPQ.

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