<--number of instruments that Beck plays.

I haven't let it bother me this entire time, until tonight. Kanye wants Beck to give up his award because he "doesn't deserve it". That's bull shit. The problem that I'm having is he just keeps doing stupid things and people don't seem to care. (Stupid things like walking up on stage and getting mad, and then later stating just how mad he is and what he wants done, like he's a fucking 3 year old having a tantrum. This person does not deserve anything he has because if you give in to the crazy 3 year olds tantrums, it's only going to continue to get worse. So for fucks sake people, pretend like Kanye doesn't exist and the tantrum will stop eventually. Please, I'm begging you. This goes for any crazy celebrity (like Chris Brown, Kim kardashian she's only famous because sex tapes and boobs) that is getting attention when they shouldn't be) I've had a 3 year old in the middle of temper tantrums and this is exactly the same God damned thing. They demand you do something (like hey beck, give up your trophy, or hey mom give me my toy back, I don't want to clean), then get mad when you don't and then stomp around and cry until they get the thing they want, or until you pretend they don't exist (during the tantrum) until they come back to sanity. Then you reward them with a sucker once the tantrum is over and they've learned to control their outbursts like a good boy. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Sir_smokes_a_lot 2 points 13 minutes ago even then, these awards and celebrities are so removed from the average person that it doesn't make sense to be heavily invested in whats going on between them. On top of that the average person probably doesn't have enough information to know the true nature of what they see on tv or on the internet/magazines. The opinions most people hold are just speculations and really reflect the values that they wish to promote.

/r/circlejerk Thread