I’m (f) 28 and my boyfriend is 20. Advice?

You try and see how it goes, I don't see 8y gap as an age issue later on but I think look at it as a trial for now. He is 20 atm I remember my mindset before 25 I'm 27M, there was a general lack of understanding/logic, ungrounded thoughts. Some grow emotinally earlier tho and if two people are attracted to each, I see no problem there. People in their 25 or 35 still act like a child so let's say u're getting along with each other and a few years past, he'll have just "a bit" more clear thought process (compared to his old self) but that's all, age gap won't be the big issue then if you get along well and attracted to each other that's more important.

Incase it doesn't work out I don't see the harm in two people spending time as long as you guys are nice and don't hurt the other. Even 30+ couples manipulate and emotianally damage each other so I don't agree with those "age issue" comments.

/r/relationship_advice Thread