I’m honestly starting to get bored of Marvel

I mean I think there are lots of really interesting and original films which have been coming out over the last few years.

I’d also say, and this is actually my main criticism of marvel films because afaic people can like what they like, that marvel films have sort of bled over into other cinema.

The sort of quippy, sarcastic, cool, family friendly sort of humour has infected so much other cinema that you’re either watching a marvel film or a marvel film rip off in a sense. Films which don’t do that and actually take themselves seriously are becoming slightly noteworthy because of it imo, like dune took itself 10000% seriously and was loved for it. I think Star Wars is by far the most noteworthy one in this regard, I think they lost themselves trying to recreate the marvel feeing.

Who knows though, I’ve got lots of thoughts and I don’t disagree with the ‘let people like what they like’ attitude, but that ends where it begins affecting my enjoyment of cinema as a whole as I see cinema be dragged in that direction.

I’d also say we are seeing fewer non-ip blockbusters than ever before and that’s really sad for cinema in general

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