Macron’s unfair reelection advantage: His opponents

It is pretty telling that even at Macron's lowest point, and at possibly the lowest point of the recovery and pandemic even outlier polls show Le Pen behind. For Le Pen to win against Macron the election would have to magically happen right now, the closer we get to 2022 the more political leverage, capital and popularity Macron will get. He will be in a stronger position 2 years from now, after a vaccination drive and the economy reopens and begins to grow than what he finds himself in now. Not to mention as Le Pen gets in the spotlight again I'm sure her popularity will nosedive again like you said. At this point if I am Macron, given that he has firmly shifted to the center-right, I would be way more concerned with the left managing to unify but that doesn't appear that likely for now, but 1 year is a long time in politics so you never know.

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