Mainstream media reports on Elon Musk's email about the Raptor engine production; thoughts?

/u/cprophet , do you have an independent source for this email? It seems strange to me.

  • Given his net worth, I don't see how bankruptcy could be imminent, enough to be a reason for calling everyone in.
  • Why call everyone in, including people who may have nothing to do with Raptor development, or maybe even nothing to do with Starship?
  • How does a launch rate of every 2 weeks at some point in 2022 square with a draft PEA for 5 orbital launches total per year? I've seen repeated remarks about "oh, the FAA can adjust that", but does anyone have a source for that assertion? As someone not expert in the field, I can imagine ways in which 5 launches a year could be considered not significant impact, but (for example) 30 would be significant impact.

This email seems to play into common accusations against Musk, of excessive wealth, mistreatment of employees, and a ridiculous space program.

So I wonder whether there is independent confirmation that this email really was sent. I am by no means saying it's impossible, mind you -- Elon has said more unexpected things.

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