Making fun of a fat person at the gym is like making fun of a homeless person at a job fair.

I used to be quite fat (not the immovable object-type obese, but solidly fat). At 175cm and 90kg (about 5'9" and 200 lbs, I believe) I decided to start eating right and going to the gym. I wasn't under any delusions that the exercise would make the fat melt off, but I wanted a nicer body line when I did lose the weight (wider shoulders, smaller waist, a bit of a chest were my rough goals). When I first went, I almost had a panic attack and cried, because I felt so insecure, and like everyone thought I was disgusting. I noticed a few snide looks and scowls, sot o be honest, they probably did, but nobody directly said anything to me about it. I finally nutted up and stuck with it, and after about four months I was at 70kg and much more confident in myself. This was the first time someone spoke to me - a guy who I recognized from around the gym (beefcake type, incredibly fit), he came up to me and said, "Hey, dude, I hope this isn't rude and I don't want to make you feel self-conscious but I've noticed you around for a few months and your progress is amazing. Keep it up, man." and I almost cried. I think he noticed I was sort of stunned and getting emotional, offered me a fist bump and sent me on my way as to not embarrass me. It was probably one of the most sincere things anyone had said to me, and all the more made me excited and proud that I kicked obesity's ass instead of being self-conscious and scared. So, to all the fat folks out there who are embarrassed or self-conscious: Yes, to be honest, people around you may think to themselves that you're gross. But don't continue to live that way. Show them and yourself that there's a fit and happy person inside of that prison of fat, and everyone around you in your everyday life and at the gym will be impressed and proud of you. I guarantee it.

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