KKK denied permit to burn cross atop symbolic mountain in Georgia

A little backstory : My grandfather fought in WW2, my dad fought in Vietnam, and I fought in Iraq and in Afghanistan - all of us were airborne infantry (except dad, he started as a grunt too but went on to get his long tab {special forces/green beret/whatever you want to call them) and everyone one of use knows - humans bleed red and that's ALL that matters, not skin color for fucks sake. We are human beings, the most versatile, intelligent, and empathetic creature in existence. Now, before anyone asks yes, we all saw plenty of direct combat for extended periods of time. These days I live right beside UGA in Athens, GA and have been going to the same boxing gym since I moved up here (although it is the first with more blacks than whites which was a welcome change - I am white btw). I am more than certain that if they publicly announce this location of this rally then every white, brown, black, purple, yellow and red person from our gym will be riding in our boxing club van slapass full directly to the gathering of these terrible people. Instead of just ramming them with our car, I'm going to park it like a sane, normal person would. We will not be bringing or holding signs. We will not attempt to dissuade the Nazis from their views (it is so terribly unlikely to fully rehabilitate someone this indoctrinated). These men who can only be described as bigots. Unfortunately we cannot exterminate these extremists without risk of ruining our own lives, careers, and freedom. Instead, we will help them TRY to understand the pain and sorrow they've caused to entirely random , unsuspecting, and UNDESERVING people. Or, unfortunately more likely, punk every single one of them out and watch them leave.

Some of you will say I am one adding fuel to the fire, we all have a right to protest. We have the freedom of speech. Hell, even I believe Voltaire was right when he said an eye for eye leaves us all blind - It's just I can't stand by idly and have a group of men burn a cross for one reason alone - to cause fear. Some you will say I am as bad as they are. Please understand, I don't get off to hurting anyone, but these people CANNOT go around doing this shit full well knowing there are no consequences. Some you will say they only need more education. Well, here in 20fucking17 free information is available at your fingertips. Even if they were born into it they CHOSE to continue down that path later down the line through brainwash or whatever after receiving SOME sort of education. Unfortunately that isn't something that can be reversed, they are entirely indoctrinated. That accounts, in my mind, as either someone with a terrible mental illness or, more likely, truly filled with hatred. Given the chance, they would been commit genocide of not only religions but also of those with differing skin color - these people WANT violence and to cause destruction, they do not want to speak their piece, And knowing Reddit - "Violence is Violence, you're just like them!1!11". I say to you, “You are now going into a world which is hounded, obsessed with so much violence, often so much despair. When you enter this world and you say the world is not good today, good. Correct it for the nobility of the human being cannot be denied.” -Elie Wiesel

Before everyone calls me evil/domestic terrorist/whatever : My grandfather, a man of values and vigor, was FIGHTING AND KILLING THESE PEOPLE 75 YEARS AGO at the risk of his own well being so that the atrocities the Nazi's committed would never again occur on this beautiful Earth that we all share. This is comparable to ISIS,/Al-Qaeda/daesh/wtfever protesting in the middle of a town to OUR generations' children's children. Fuck the turn the other cheek philosophy - There is a time to put your foot down. That time is now. I am not one to condone violence but, who am I to complain about Nazi's existing and openly being aggressive if I am not there to do my part - to ensure my children don't have to foot the bill. Stay vigilant everyone, stay true to what you feel is right, and never, ever let fear guide you away from doing what is right.

/r/news Thread Link - theguardian.com