"A man and woman have a couple drinks each and end up having consensual sex." Story time in /r/nottheonion

Wow, i actually liked that sub. It's just so infuriating. I unfortunately know too many people that have been affected by rape and sexual and EVERY single one of them struggled with coming out and telling people what happened. Reddit's IDIOTIC fear that every woman who regrets having sex with a man is going the next day to the police for rape has to literally be up there with the dumbest fucking idea on this entire site. Don't they understand that women that do that are in the incredible minority? And that having post EVERYDAY on Reddit about one or two false rape accusation when there are thousands of legitimate rapes every day makes women struggle even more coming out with their story. oh and i'm a man (i know that changes nothing, but if i was a woman they would ignore me even more). They're trying to take a horrible things that happens mostly to women and spin it around to "MEN HAVE IT WORSE!", "MEN ARE ALSO A VICTIM OF FEMALE RAPE!" Why do you think the same story has been on the front page of dozens of other subs? But do you ever see a post about the rape of females on the front page? Well no! Because many white males of Reddit want all the "benefits"* of being a woman and being a minority, without actually having to be one!

*By benefits, i mean playing the victim to push an agenda. The sexism and racism that women and minorities face isn't a benefit to them at all, but it is to those that actually don't face it and instead want to use it for their agenda. If the white males that push the belief that they are victims of sexism and racism actually felt an ounce of it they wouldn't see it as a benefit, but because they don't it's used as a chess piece instead.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link - np.reddit.com