Marches are useless

Right, so through equality and stopping wasteful donations we stop all forms of donations to (UK based):

NSPCC (scrap child line) All food banks (they shouldn't be a thing in the first place right?) Centre point (I mean why help homeless young people right when you can sponsor an up start business?) Or magic breakfast ( screw poor families wanting to eat and screw poor kids for going to school hungry, maybe they should sponsor a upstart business and stop being so poor)

Kids are crapped on by a lot of people but I believe that giving money so they have someone to talk to if they are being abused, food if they are hungry (both before and after school) a right to living in a warm safe environment is a good thing.

None of this free shoe crap. But you sound completely against charities, charity workers and people wanting to help, I get it. You think everything is a con. Won't change your mind there, I donate, I volunteer, I try to help. Feel free to support an upstart company, I will continue to support children's charities as much as possible

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