Mark Steyn's New Book On Michael Mann - Judith Curry

In case your immature brain is incapable of comprehending a complex string of information connections, perhaps you should put down your bag of Cheetos long enough to realize that your infantile obsession with Mann is the errand of a band of obsessed nincompoops, for exactly the reasons everyone in this thread has mentioned.

  1. Several of the climate scientists you're quoting had their private correspondence stolen and lifted out of context.

  2. The "hockey stick" you so happily disparage has been corroborated over and over and over and over again. Multiple sources have confirmed that flaws were present in MBH98, but that these are largely irrelevant and in no way nefarious.

  3. The "hockey stick" is but one line of evidence in a collection of findings that point to an irrefutable conclusion (with which all of your quote-mined scientists agree), and by quoting them you're proving that you're interested only in cherry picking their conclusions when they suit your hate-fueled agenda.

So the take home points are thus. And I hope you let them sink in, because you've proven yourself dumb enough at this point that I'm happy to sit back and let you flail around like a child with no help from me.

a. We have read the article, and we still find your obsession ridiculous and the argument wanting.

b. We've looked at the same information without your level of irrational hatred, and the rest of us see bad form in Curry's bandwagoning on such a ridiculous crusade.

c. You claim to have a long line of rebuttals for actual science, yet you almost NEVER produce peer-reviewed rebuttals. It's always hogwash blogposts by imbeciles who cannot be bothered to subject their arguments to the scrutiny of experts.

Do you see my point? You're wetting yourself over a book you haven't read, and you're dilly dallying in these threads, continually making yourself look like an un-hinged lunatic. And yet you never once consider that you may be wholly mistaken. It's amusing, but at this point I just feel sorry for the fact that you're the epitome of Dunning Kruger. If you were smart enough to realize how stupid you sound, you'd be smart enough not to say so many stupid things.

So, again, why do you keep wasting your breath? The fact that you can form complete sentences is the only thing distinguishing you from Alex Jones level morons. You'd make Glenn Beck blush. So hold your tongue, or continue to make a complete and utter fool of yourself, at your own expense. It makes literally no difference to me.

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