Source leaks catalog of cellphone spying gear the Feds don’t want you to see

Can you believe it? For one, I am so thankful to live in a country where a media outlet is even allowed to report on such things. Do not take this freedom for granted...for it is not. Amazing. This is why we celebrate freedom of the press. This is how our country is democracy in action. From Watergate to Iran Contra to this Stingray can not keep secrets from the people that govern. Those people are not congressional or judicial or presidential, they are you and me. Out of many one.

Those are our Stingrays. Our police departments. That's our FBI. Yours and mine. I pay for it...just as you do. I can call them and complain. I myself can write legislation and present it to my Congressman and my Senator for consideration. I bet you didn't know that, did you? General Electric and Boeing and Walmart have been doing this for years. They use a middleman called a lobbyist. You too can be a lobbyist. Be annoying — it's your government.

They can try to keep it a secret from us, but we pay the bills you see and no matter what you do that you shouldn't be doing you can't deny our intent to live in a free, private, liberitous society through the cover of something called law enforcement. My police department and my FBI and my Congress and my President may have a duty to keep me safe, but they also have a duty to keep my information private and keep my freedoms intact and defended. This has been sworn to by oath.

So I will keep calling my Congressman and my Senator and my President and my Mayor and my Councilwoman and I will tell them that I do not authorize my tax dollars to be spent on them spying on me. The best part is that if they don't listen I can vote them out! I can abolish them from their office. And if you think along the same lines as I do, you too can join in and become an annoying citizen. Bug them. Call them consistently. Write legislation. Write letters. Scream and shout and talk to everyone. Your elected officials should know you on a FISRT NAME BASIS.

Do they?

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