Stop a douchebag - Stepping on the same rake

No compilations

The rules mean compilations as in someone gets loads of different separate youtube videos of different events and copies them all together into a compilation and uploads them to their youtube account. That's a whole specific class or type of youtube video. It's different to this type

"caught on video doing a crime" (just the actual crime if tackled/restrained then it would be fine)

The rule is specifically talking about just a crime and nothing else at all. It says that if something is done to restrain the crime them it's OK to post it. The entire point of these Stop a douchebag videos is stopping the crime. They stop a car committing a crime and ask them to back up. Like the rule says: "if tackled/restrained then it would be fine"

Disproportional response to an offense

Flagging someone down and politely asking them to back their car up doesn't seem to be a disproportional response. Sure, they get a sticker, but only if they refuse the polite request to stop breaking the law. Again, that doesn't seem disproportional

Someone getting a "talking to"

This objection seems the most valid one. They don't just talk to them though, they put stickers on them, in some cases if the car tries to run them over they hold on to he bonnet. In some cases they literally get run over and go to hospital. So it seems to be more than just a talking to

"Teaching" a "bad parker"

They do also get justice after being taught though, if they don't learn their lesson.

Road rage

You're reaching. To be frank, none of these are road rage. Some of them do have components of anger and retaliation etc. - but road rage is a specific thing that's well understood - and this is not it.

It looks like you don't like the videos so you've just arbitrarily gone through the rules and picked any that sound vaguely as if they might fit, even though they don't. I.e. try to pursuade by sheer volume. You would have been better off choosing the ones that had merit instead

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