What can men do about an unwanted pregnancy?

Seems like a broad absolute that even you probably don't really believe.

I come from finance were having "options" always is worth something.

Having the option to kill your husband would be bad, right?

Believe it or not, even this extreme example, depending on the circumstances, no, it's not always bad. We allow for people to protect themselves from harm and this option (killing another) is available to us as citizens when we are in grave danger. If I go bananas and attack my wife with a knife, she has the legal option to killing me.

Still, legally killing someone is an extreme example and for is available as an option only in very rare circumstances. There is no moral ambiguity that killing another is bad. Legal refusal of child support on the other hand is a gray thing, your morals might make it a terrible thing to you, my morals don't. We should give individual men the option to act according to their own conscience and morals. I believe the public view on this issue is evolving and more and more people are recognizing it as a right men should have. What's holding back change is our traditionalist/conservative views on this as a society and the fact that even most progressive people on gender equality not taking the mantle of leadership on this issue (as can be seem from the stance of this subreddit).

enjoy carefree sex

I eluded on my previous post that sex is not entirely carefree for either genders (i.e. stds) but I feel like I need to elaborate what I wrote as I think you misunderstood me. Do I believe women today enjoy absolutely carefree sex? No, no they do not. However the situation of women with regards to sex has improved dramatically during the last 50 years. For young women pregnancy is a concern, STDs are a concern but they are not nearly as life altering as they were 50 years ago. Contraceptives are freely available (ACA, contraceptive mandate offers absolutely free contraception to women and women only) and access to abortion in the US is very, very good (compare to Germany, where women have to get permission from a doctor before they can get an abortion). For the vast majority of women in the US the risks of STDs and pregnancy can be effectively managed so a point where many women enjoy a healthy sex life with very little risk of having life altering consequences.

Situation for men also improved in the last 50 years but not to a point where they can be sure that they're going to have sex without having to have to endure life altering consequences. If there is a failure with the contraceptives, their future lies entirely in the hands of another person.

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