Martin Shkreli goes to a restaurant, they chant about how he's a hero. Can't make this up!

First of all, the price hike did happen - whether you want to accept that fact or not - but it was the entire point of the post. Yes, it is free to uninsured citizens. It's designed so insurance companies pay more. 55 times more. I'd wager that the number of HIV patients in the US with insurance largely outweigh the ones that don't.

So big insurance companies are paying more money that goes into research. What exactly is the problem? These insurance companies aren't struggling. Other HIV medication goes for $900 on the pill bro.

By the way Mr. Shkreli acts on Twitter, I am having a lot of trouble believing he is the philanthropist you claim him to be. Insisting that he is losing money from this is extremely dubious considering how much he will make from insurance companies.

Well what you think is kind of irrelevant, you can literally google everything I said and watch interviews with him.

And hold on - in the rest of your post, you're implying the company is making money from the deal, despite you previously stating they are losing money. Which is it? Be consistent

They are losing money. They can actually boost the price up a lot more if they wanted to and they'd be completely justified. But instead of spending that money on hookers and yatchs, they spend it on research and don't invest into more cheap drugs/investments, they're losing money in the idea that they could be making a lot more of it.

Finally, I only learned about this guy a few days ago (funfact: not a US citizen), and not from Reddit. So, stop projecting.

So maybe you should actually research something, not just spout off on reddit? Stop crying.

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