Prager "University"

Interesting that you criticize the left for identity politics and focusing on race when this is exclusively what Candace and similar conservative personality types talk about. Like, the Blexit thing was so dumb and substanceless. It boiled down to pointless slogans about “Hey blacks! don’t let Dems tell you what to do. Falling in line is bad”. Which is hilarious because there is way more uniform groupthink and purity tests in the Republican Party (they have a whole acronym - RINOs - for people who don’t sufficiently fall in line) and it never actually addressed what it is Dems actually want. Which, for starters, is varied (again- way more diversity of thought in the Dem party. Moderates vs dem socialists is a huge gap) but a relatively common trend is reducing the HUGE income inequality by making richer folks pay more in taxes.

And It really all boils down to that. All the fluff about race and identity is cover for the fact that the rich are trying to keep more of their money and increase the gap between themselves and lower classes and they are using inflammatory identity politics talking points to distract and smokescreen. Candace is a tool to that end. I’ll also say that many on the left are guilty of engaging in similar pointless dialogue (hey- we keep falling for it and it sells) AND I’ll also caveat that I do think there are meaningful conversations to be had about race…But I don’t think they are happening by and large.

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