Marty O'Donnell on MoTS release: "Activision has no stake in this since they don't own any Destiny IP. This is all up to Bungie."

But how does that work? I mean unless you mean a specific individual? I said development studio... so thats more like being a fan of universal pictures (movies). A development studio has staff that can change at a whim. I understand being a fan of specific individuals (say a video game producer, or character artist, etc) - but I don't understand being a superfan of "OH DICE GAME" or "OH BETHESDA GAMES ARE GREAT". That would be like saying "EVERY UNIVERSAL MOVIE I EXPECT TO BE GOOD" or "20th CENTURY FOX ROCKS". I don't get it, considering things can be vastly different from one product to the next, and even be worked on by completely different people.

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