[Mass Effect] Which species (from any fictional universe) would the Salarians choose to uplift into galactic civilisation?

Since /u/calgil wanted to see me write about other races, let's see.

The Draenei are already semi-spacefaring. If their dimension/reality hopping can be considered space flight. It did get them across the stars, but not in a way we'd consider "real". Their limited numbers and settlement on a world already full of violent sapients would be the biggest problem. They wouldn't pose a tangible benefit to the Salarians until they had the numbers to provide a real army.

Of the other races on that world, the Orcs would fit the Salarian's needs best. Like the Qunari, less prone to undue violence, but still with a strong warrior code and capacity to fight. They are also more technologically adept than some of their political allies, who seem content with tradition and spirituality over innovation. In fact, if the Qunari uplift failed, the Orc uplift would be the next best option.

The other races of Azeroth pose similar problems to those on Thedas. Humans, dead humans (and others, but mostly human), insular underground dwarves, etc.

Gnomes are unfit for an uplift simply because they're well on their way to space travel already. All they need to do is survive long enough for their technology to advance, and they'll see the stars. If anything, the Salarians might consider HOLDING THEM BACK, if the gnomes prove they're superior in scientific pursuits. Gnome ingenuity may be the key to unlocking space flight that doesn't require mass effect technology, though. The Salarians would be more than capable of stealing those secrets then ensuring the gnomes don't leave their home planet. All it would take is one Dalatrass giving that order and the gnomes could be doomed.

Orsimer of Tamriel are similar to Azerothian orcs. Just as capable of rage, violence AND innovation. Their tribal societies resemble many other early sapient civilizations, but they're just as capable of adapting to other ways of life if they must. Not many other "orc-like" peoples in the universe can do that. However, given that they're heavily mutated elves, changed literally overnight by a being known as "Malacath", their natural evolution cannot be predicted. They may not even be able to leave their planet/plane with out "Malacath"'s permission.

(Planet of the Apes) Chimpanzees, the modified ones from Earth, might be a last resort option. They're a lot like the Yahg in that their society is based on violence. Chimpanzees are notoriously prone to extreme outbursts of rage, even directed at close family members. And yet they somehow rose to prominence in a multi-species environment, including enslaving humans, the most adaptable of all the apes. They're exceedingly strong and fast and their minds work almost as quickly as a human. If their rage could be tempered, they could be uplifted. Otherwise, they'd probably be worse than the Krogan. (Seriously, Chimps can be nasty.)

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