Math, Science, Logic, and Reason. It's time to start being nice.

I understand that it is a trying time of fantastical headlines and click bait. Here are actual facts I hope everyone finds reassuring. And here's a big reason to halt negativity.

Facts: Indiana's population is 6.72 million. Life expectancy is 78 years. A little under 1% of the population passes each year, mostly of natural causes. This percentage will grow and become more linear to populous/life expectancy as the baby boomer generation ages closer to life expectancy. If 1% of the population passes away, then on average 184 Indiana residents would pass away each day. According to the NHTSA¹, in 2018 .2 people were killed in alcohol-related collisions in Indiana per day, yet close to 184 Indiana residents pass away every day on average. This same mathematical exercise can be applied to any population.

These are all facts by the numbers known today. Anything else would be speculation.

Currently, the number of drunk driving deaths in America is merely a fraction of the number of deaths of despair in this country each year.

So it's time to stop being fantastical. Be real. Be kind. No one needs to be shamed or called selfish for driving drunk to the grocery store, or the hardware store, or drugstore, or whatever.

Smile at people and be polite.

There is nothing constructive about pointing fingers at who is or isn't wearing what on who's face. No one needs to hear about those kids who were only five feet apart.

You don't know what another person is feeling or thinking or going through at home. And your negativity can cause irreversible harm to someone who struggles with happiness.

This is the weekend following the first full moon following the spring equinox. It has been a celebration of life for nearly every culture since the dawn of the human race. Many may be experiencing this event without family for the first time in their lives.

So for the sake of humanity, be kind.

If you are overwhelmed, this will help: Turn off the TV. Turn off the radio. Put your computer, smart phone, and tablet away. Take a deep breath. Read a book. Stretch. Enjoy your backyard. Explore your artistic talents. You will feel better. --Happiness is logical thinking.


/r/indianapolis Thread