Maybe I'm just slow but I have a hard time interpreting this sentence to the exact. If I had to describe each element within the bigger circle, than what would each circle precisely mean?

To me I saw it as something like there's the Ultimate Chaos that is what culture was created for to explain or put up against, then inside that is the Culture, then inside that is the Chaos of how that Culture could be arranged, and then within that potential emerges an overarching Human Dominance Hierarchy or an overarching collection of Dominance Hierarchies (Order), and within that is the potential (Chaos) for a large number of hierarchies, and within that potential are the actual Hierarchies (Order) that emerge, and within those hierarchies there is potential for movement and transformation (Chaos), and within that movement within the hierarchies is perhaps some strategy or pattern of action (Order) used to move up the hierarchy, etc all the way down to the level of articulation being worked at.

I'm not sure how accurate this might be, and it is only an example and it probably doesn't come close to describing how it actually works but hopefully this acts as a possible example.

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