Mayo Clinic patient’s first impressions with bionic eye


Pure chaos.


Expanding Radiation.

Groups of quantum excitations across the radiation field create first stable forms through primodial nucleosynthesis. The hydrogen atom.

Interdepending and interacting fundamental forces between hydrogen atoms across the field lead to concentrating molecules. Gravity.

Gravity leads to formation of massive condensed nodes of trillion trillions of hydrogen atoms called stars.

Gravity increases chaotic state of fundamental forces, forming even more elements. More Hydrogen. Helium, Lithium, Boron, Beryllium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Sodium, Magnesium, Silicon, etc.

After billions of years, stars die out. Shedding trillions and trillions of these molecules at extremely fast speeds into the oblivion of space.

Gravity condenses these molecules in numerously more areas. More stars. More complexity.

Stars now have planets orbiting them. Massive condensed nodes of the complex elements. Made mostly of iron, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, and carbon.

Condensed nodes of stars across the universe form structures called galaxies.

Hundreds of billions of galaxies, full of hundreds of billions of stars and planets.

Each planets unique composition gives them each a different fingerprint. A different environment, with unique compositions of elements that form even greater combinations of molecules.

Most planets are born into solar systems that don't have much happening on them. While others have more interesting phenomena. The ones that contain liquid water are conducive to the formation of complex molecules. The most interesting of them; Amino acids.

Some amino acids interacted with each other in ways where they formed large chains of molecules called RNA.

Water was the perfect environment where these RNA molecules could form. It allowed them to retain their structures for long periods of time, eventually forming into long strands of amino acids, which over the course of time, evolved. Long chains of RNA began folding... Forming even more complex structures of enzymes and proteins. Over time, they evolved into interacting systems where of DNA, enzymes, ribozomes, ribozymes and proteins.

This was the beginning of the RNA world. Over millions of years, these structures interacted with one another. The right combination of structures were the ones that ended up lasting the longest, and influencing the formation of similar ones, eventually forming the first self-replicating conglomerates of molecules: single-celled organisms.

Eventually, there were many single celled organisms scattered across the entire planet. There were many different forms, each with different specialties and subtle unique traits that have evolved over the course of millions of years. There were pockets where many different single celled organisms thrived. It was during catastrophes, that the most fit ones survived. But the most special moments of the evolution of life were pockets where certain organisms benefited most from not only their environment, but from other single-celled organisms, that ended up continuing their replication.

One of the most interesting cases in fact, was when they ended up inside other single celled organisms. Some of these events ended up in the formation of organelles. Most gave up their replication abilities, and gave up their blueprints for the greater group to form the complex cell. There was one organelle, the mitrochondria, being the powerhouse of the cell, didn't give it up, but shared it and continued replicating it for the collective form.

These single-celled organisms were at the right spot at the right time. Over time, the ones that interacted with the right single celled organisms in these areas that ended up continuing their replication.

It gets a bit foggy from there, but Multi-celled organisms arose from this. Eventually evolving into large organisms made up of tens of trillions of specialized clusters of cells.

Some of these organisms grew in abundant regions where many of them spend time living together. Others found in remote areas, where they are few and far between. During cataclysmic events, it was those that were found in the right conditions that continued on their replication. Out of the most evolved creatures on the planet, mammals were the ones that were most successful. These social creatures shared their livelihoods, forming complex relationships between each other.

There was one species that began growing a complex relationship with its environment, the homonid species. Over 2 million years, a few died off, and only one was left. The Homo sapien.

The ones that were better able to communicate within their social groups, ended up growing in capability and in numbers. The larger the group, the more complex interaction. The more complex the interaction, the better the organisation of services and tools arising from their groups.

The groups that were better able to handle interactions with other groups, were the ones that continued passing on their genes and their culture, to the next generation.

And today, we see the product of all these group dynamics in our species. Transportation, computing, construction, communication... All of what you see today are tools forged through the minds of humans that were part of those humans that survived conditions that allowed them to pass their genes on to the next generation.

A lot of our tools were used to improve and evolve other tools, allowing us to further understand the complexity of our nature and our reality. In the video you just watched, the epitome of modern medicine and technology can be observed. They gave a blind man vision. Crude, but significant. They managed to send signals to the brain that deciphered reality through synthetic means without the need of natural vision. It gave him a whole new perspective through visual information processing which upgraded his ability to understand the nature of his reality and the objects, places, and people within it. Here, he has his wife, where he's seeing her physical features for the first time.

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