Me 100%

Thank you for your forgiveness. I got too worked up and it wasn't right for me to speak so harshly.

I'm sorry that you were unsuccessful in your surgery. I don't know that heartbreak . I can only imagine how soul crushing that must be for you.

I hope that my research pays off but I guess I need to steele myself for the possibility of being unsuccessful.

I hope that you find the help you need to overcome the hurdle of your voice. I don't know what procedure you had or who with or if you're considering trying it again . But if you're in the US there is a surgeon that seems to be more successful than most. They don't go about it the traditional way and that's why I'm set on them. Its more expensive and more invasive but yields better results generally. I don't know if you're looming to try again for surgery one day but if you are please google for options that deviate from traditional methods. I wish I could be more direct and just tell you their name but it would give away my location and there are scary people on reddit that I don't want stalking me in real life. I'm moving to this person's area on coincidence in a few days in fact. I'm getting away from an abusive relationship finally and I'll be unnavoidably homeless for a bit. I don't want some creep to know where I am and that I'm vulnerable. I tell you all this only because I don't want you to think I'm not giving their name for some arbitrary reason. I've had trolls follow me and I just block them but I know I'm being targeted online and I can ignore online bullies. But I'm useless at defending myself in real life and being trans and homeless is not going to win me any popularity contests where I'm going. So I'm just trying to be safe. If you google and read up, I'm confident you will be able to find my surgeon. I don't expect trolls or random internet weirdos to put in the effort. I'm leaving on a greyhound on Friday and so silly as it may seem I want to protect my whereabouts as best I can. I may indeed be a little too candid on reddit but I should be safe I think.

I'm sorry for rambling and for being rude.

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