Me [17 M] on how to deal with my parents [45M] & [44F] On getting a Job, while I already make far more than minimum wage.

I don't do taxes, technically all the work is under the table.

OK, you are young and don't realize it yet, but this is beyond stupid.

Let me lay out how this goes down if the IRS catches you, and there is a good chance they eventually will if you keep doing this.

1) You get away with this for 5-10 years. The IRS typically takes a long time to find this kind of thing.

2) Once found, since you never filed, the IRS can go back all the way to the beginning.

3) Not only will you owe the taxes, but you will owe interest and penalties. Typically, these wind up making the effective tax rate around 100%.

4) You can't pay, since you won't have saved 100% of what you earned.

5) Since you can't declare bankruptcy to discharge this debt, the IRS will follow you like a demon from hell. Your wages will be garnished for, last I checked, for 20 years. If you save up any money or buy any assets, the IRS will seize it.

The alternative to this nightmare scenario is to just pay your taxes.

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