Me [24F] with my now-ex boyfriend [26M] of the past 1.5 years just broke up and I'm alone right now and feel like total shit and need some support, so can you guys tell me some things to cheer me up or some really shitty things that have happened to you to make me feel better?

Well, you asked, so here goes....Although, I first want to say that your feelings were right, and fuck him. Stay strong and don't look back.

Anyway, I moved back to the US (from Ireland) due to a death in my family, and so I could look after my grandfather. Turns out, my grandfather was the victim of elder abuse (including financial elder abuse by his remaining daughter, i.e., my mother). In other words, I left my good life to unknowingly come deal with some massive bullshit, and I haven't recovered (and it's looking like I never will).

So I met a guy about seven months after I got back, and just as things were getting really bad for my grandfather. The guy seemed like the answer to my prayers. I was sad for leaving a life I loved, and all my Irish family (my father was Irish and I was born in Ireland and did much better there than in the US). So this guy seemed kind and caring and considerate. He somewhat introduced me to my new city, and he made me feel like everything would be OK. He also talked about marriage early on, and I really believed he was my future. And of course, he told me that he loved me -- and I loved him.

He asked me to move in with him in 2009 (I had a big inheritance). I did, and my life has been not only essentially ruined, but he'd been gaslighting (and probably cheating on) me all along.

I accidentally found out in January (by eavesdropping on a phone conversation he was having with his sister) that he'd been with someone else since June of last year -- and I'm sure he's cheated on me for as long as we were together. So I found out for certain (but I've had suspicions all along) that he's been with someone else since June, but he would never, and still won't, admit it. I've accused him of cheating for years, given him ample opportunity to admit it and end this, but to this day he denies everything (even though he basically moved out of his condo in December of last year without telling me).

So now, I'm still living in his condo while he spends most nights at Moron Material Girl's place. Sadly, last week he seduced me during a five-day stretch at his place. He said he loves me but I broke his heart and he wants to be alone. However, he's spent the last week with the other woman (who he works with and who talked a bunch of shit about me to get him in her bed -- he is to blame for this, but she knew he was in a relationship when her machinations began, so fuck that cunt too).

My difficulty in moving out is that I'm middle-aged, and my best work experience was gained in the trade union movement in Ireland. In other words, US employers won't touch me with a ten-foot pole despite the fact that I'm highly educated (BA and MA) and have considerable work experience. I'm now an editor working with authors who will self-publish (and I love this work), but I am under-employed and I don't make enough to live on my own. He's said he won't kick me out and wants me to get on my feet, but I am living with complete and constant insecurity -- which is especially fucked up since I came to him with a LOT (I gave him a car and spent lots of money on him in the beginning) and wanted to build a life with him.

Well, bigger fool me! He never wanted to make a life with me. I stayed with a liar, a cheat, and all around prick because I can't get a 'real' job to save my life. And now all I can do is hope that he'll honor his words and not kick me out and make me homeless.

/r/relationships Thread