Me [27 M] with my now ex [26 F] together 1.2 years, is it wrong to break up over sexual values?

You may be interested in reading this Wikipedia article on hookup culture.

You're probably not as much of an anomaly as you think yourself to be.

Being able to divorce one's sexuality from the emotional system isn't a benefit or an advantage or a useful skill in my opinion.

It's not a sign that a person is more liberated or enlightened or "sex-positive" or whatever. It's a sign that you're better at repression and suppression and keeping yourself fragmented instead of integrated.

Some highlights from the article:

According to one study the vast majority, more than 90%, of American college students say their campus is characterized by a hookup culture,[24] and students believe that about 85% of their classmates have hooked up.


Students often feel that hookups are the only option, and that their peers do not date,which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as fewer students date because they believe their classmates do not believe in dating.[31] Freitas' study has found that students on these campuses generally feel that the decision about whether or not to be in a relationship is out of their control and that "hookup culture dictated for them that there would be no dating, and that they simply had to endure this reality."


However, most students overestimate the amount of hookups in which their peers engage.[26] Only 20% of students regularly hookup.[24] Roughly one half will occasionally hookup, and one-third of students do not hook up at all.[24] The median number of hookups for a graduating senior on a college campus is seven, and the typical college student acquires two new sexual partners during their college career.[24] Half of all hookups are repeats, and 25% of students will graduate from college a virgin.


"A number of studies" have found that students, both men and women, overwhelmingly regret their hookups.[10] In one, 77% of students regretted their hookups,[12][42] and in another 78% of women and 72% of men who had uncommitted vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex regretted the experience.


Hookup culture has taught, or tries to teach, students to repress their natural romantic feelings for others, particularly after a sexual encounter.[49][50] Because of this, hookups have been likened to "masturbating with another person present."[51] The problem, according to Freitas, is that "the sheer amount of repression and suppression of emotion required" is too great, and "most students fail at this goal, walking away with feelings for their partner."[50]

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