Meet the Sex Workers Who Lawmakers Don't Believe Exist

Alright, I had to say something.

I am not ignoring science for Jesus. Science complements my faith. The type of science I ignore is the one that says that nothing, not just empty space, but absolutely nothing randomly exploded and created absolutely everything, and organized it so perfect, and out of it came the first life, and very complex things such as the human eye. It takes a lot of faith to believe something like that.

Riddle me this, if there is no God, why does anything exist at all?

Yes I’m no politician or an expert on the subject. I don’t know how to actually solve the problem of prostitution in a practical way in this messed up world of ours, but I cannot agree with the things that were suggested. I don’t see how allowing such evil things to happen (drugs, that bring only misery and problems to everyone) can solve anything.

My God wants to save everyone, he did not spare even his own Son to a humiliating death so that every dirty, worthless, worst-of-the-worst human being, and everyone deserving the worst for their moral depravity, could be redeemed by believing in him. What kind of god in any religion or king that you have ever heard of would do that? It’s a message of very very good news.

happy and self-realized city

Boy this world sure knows how to that, with wars mentioned since the earliest of written history, and with the current events I see in the news.

Even we here, “the greatest nation on earth, who are the envy of the world”, try to do that by ourselves, yet there are school shootings, bullies, suicide, homicide, deaths caused by DUI, divorce, drug overdoses, rape, theft, gangs, corruption, and the rich (“the 1%”) exploiting everyone else. That’s what our “wisdom” can accomplish.

This world cannot do anything good by themselves. And I’m saying only God, by whom and for whom I believe everything that ever existed was made, and continues to exist, can fix all this. This is how I am, in good clear conscience, am trying to contribute to the public, even if I don’t understand it all.

/r/Seattle Thread Link -