Meet TSM Leffen

You shouldn't. Their manager banned an organization from doing interviews with any of the TSM members, simply because 1 journalist of that organization was obejctively critical of TSMs LoL team performance. The manager also called other analysts in the scene "frauds", saying every pro knows that they are just PR figures and don't do any work at all, etc... He also had to pay a fine because Riot (LoL company) told him to not announce a new player before he passes the behaviour check, and what does Reginald (manager) do? Announce him right away, and then complains on reddit that he got fined. His justification was "they told me not to announce him, but they didn't tell me it was something I was required to do" and basically initiated a huge witch hunt on Riot. Here you can read the explanation in response to Reginald's witch hunt:

Over the course of the 2013 and 2014 Seasons, we have reminded LCS teams multiple times not to announce players before they are approved by the League. All players must go through extensive behavior checks before receiving approval, and our paramount concern is that a player would be announced by a team only to be declined by the League. We want to avoid false expectations, or an assumption that a toxic player has been accepted into the League.

On July 20, the LCS was notified that TSM desired to bring Lustboy onto their roster. We immediately and explicitly instructed TSM not to announce the acquisition until they have received League approval. On July 22, TSM announced Lustboy as their starting support player without submitting proper paperwork or LCS approval. They went against direct instructions of an LCS official which is against the LCS rules. They are being fined for this rule violation (10.2.14). A ruling will be released later today.

We're confused on why an owner would think the roster change process is optional especially after clear, direct instructions were communicated to Reginald around this announcement.

He is also known for bullying his team mates, as you can see here:

I was sad when I saw that Leffen was picked up by TSM, because I didn't want TSM anywhere near Melee. Drama, insults and bullying follow them everywhere they go, caused by the owner and some other staff members.

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