Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story, 1919: "When the Turkish authorities gave the orders for these deportations, they were merely giving the death warrant to a whole race; they understood this well, and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt to conceal the fact… I am confident that the whole history of the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost insignificant when compared to the sufferings of the Armenian race in 1915."

Enver Pasha, a leader of the Young Turks, 1916: "The Ottoman Empire should be cleaned up of the Armenians and the Lebanese. We have destroyed the former by the sword, we shall destroy the latter through starvation."

After the German Ambassador persistently brought up the Armenian question in 1918, Talat said "with a smile"...: "What on earth do you want? The question is settled. There are no more Armenians."

Count Wolff-Metternich, German Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire July 10, 1916, cable to the German Chancellor: "In its attempt to carry out its purpose to resolve the Armenian question by the destruction of the Armenian race, the Turkish government has refused to be deterred neither by our representations, nor by those of the American Embassy, nor by the delegate of the Pope, nor by the threats of the Allied Powers, nor in deference to the public opinion of the West representing one-half of the world."

Adolf Hitler, August 22, 1939, when proposing the Final Solution: "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

Theoriesoflife, 24/04/2015, on reddit: "Isn't genocide a bit extreme? It wasn't thaaaat bad."

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