Megathread: Obama's Statement on Orlando Shooting

Okay, I'm sikc of this narrative now.

There's clearly an issue with Islam itself, not with just a few bad apples.

"Not all terrorists are Muslim... except they are, so yeah".

Nobody else is doing this shit.

And what's Obama and Hillary's solution? Take away guns. Yeah, that's totally realistic, doable, and will totally solve terrorism and violent crime.

I'm fucking tired of the walking on eggshells. I'm an Atheist, so don't give me the "you're just a Jesus loving redneck" crap - anything anyone says that lacks empirical evidence to back it up is worthless and moronic to me - so all faith-based stuff can just go out the window far as I'm concerned - to me that's all just weak people who NEED something to believe in to feel like their lives are worth a damn - newsflash, it's not, and you can live with that or go shoot yourself if you prefer.

But still, even though Christians annoy me because their religious beliefs supports and spreads scientific ignorance and denial - at least they're not going around fucking killing people in the name of Christianity. Nor are Jews, Buddhists, or whatever the fuck else. Maybe Scientologists and other non-mainstream cults but they're in their own brand.

No, this is something exclusive of Islam and Islam only. There's CLEARLY an issue with it - even white people that convert to Islam become downright nuts.

And ya know what? When this kinda shit happens, I don't feel like a liberal anymore, because Obama and Hillary are apologists who refuse to identify the problem for what it is. At times like these, I think Trump has a fucking point. I like Obama opening up to Cuba and being more LGBT-positive and so forth, but I think for people to believe that race and religion should be completely ignored is just a refusal to believe the undeniable fact that those things are indeed tied to crime rates and terrorism. But to them, acknowledging that correlation is, in itself, racist.

There's just two things I've learned this election:

  • I'm actually a moderate. I thought I was a Liberal, but I find that Liberals can be just as huge nutjobs as far-right Conservatives. I want to give everyone a chance, but I'm not going to deny that there's correlations where there are some.

  • Politics is a circus where everyone will say anything to get elected. Very few people actually believe in anything, and they change their narrative based on whatever group they need to pander to. The only thing they "believe" in is their desire to be in office.

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