Men are ultimately not Worth the Trouble.

I'm not sure why but there's this insane kneejerk, almost triggered like reaction they have to women, especially when they seem to have confidence (and are ugly)--somehow guys think it's "righteous" to knock them down a peg. Just hit me and....I'm kinda disturbed.

If you actually look at individuals it's honestly rare for women to actually have that high of self-opinion, compared to men. You know what's fucked, though? Narcissistic women are more attractive to men according to a dark triad traits study; but, like male narcissism being associated with outgoingness in the researcher's meta analysis, narcissism in women was actually associated with being hotter. Yup. It's only a hunch, but I honestly feel like the women that actually do have lofty esteem are RARELY the average or ugly ones tbh. Because, women honestly don't tend to think of themselves as hoto stuff. Women underrate themselves and men tend to overrate themselves. Really, I almost feel like a lot of men are simply offended at the idea of women being overconfident, but, then, get pissed off in situations that don't even fit it. And then, somehow, they end up more attractive to girls that are actually uppity, but don't see it because of their looks. It's stupid. The more I find out and see, the more I realize a lot of the stereotypes against us are literally driven by primitive rage and baseless presumption and lies. Ugh. Moids. Rant /end

Oh and are people suddenly supposed to swipe left on everyone they find too attractive? What? No one does that. Whoever loser ran that experiment is dumb.

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