Men want assertive women who pull their weight. What has that looked like for you & where is it too far?

To the last part, yeah. As a frugal guy, I choose not to own a vehicle and I bike everywhere. I had a situationship with a woman (30’s) who owned her own car and she didn’t want anyone to drive it so I rode shotgun every time we went anywhere. It got to a point to where she’d mention hanging out with other guys that had their own cars and the ability to drive her around. At that point I broke it off because it seemed to be a passive aggressive jab at my decision to not drive (in Los Angeles). I mean, I could buy 4 Teslas if I wanted but why if I get good cardio from biking and I work from home, you know. That’s why I place financial responsibility so high, because that’s the standard I hold myself to.

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