Men don't get anywhere near the support for sexual harassment or abuse that women get and its a real problem

This is a long preface... I was not a perfect person in my younger days, and I really fear for young people...because it seems like mistakes won't be forgiven now. Maybe it was wrong, but more than a decade ago when I was in college, I definitely drew different lines based on how drunk a person was. I saw people make really offensive mistakes, and I saw how it devastated them. And ultimately I saw people forgiven. And yea, in an ideal world we would all know better, but sometimes people really don't. People get drunk and their misconceptions bleed out in a big way, especially those who are socially clueless to begin with. Happened with everyone, regardless of gender.

All that being said, and all male stereotypes aside, I have to admit that after I was groped for the 4th or 5th time at this one bar in particular (still in college), I couldn't just blow it off anymore. I tried talking to the group of girls I suspected about it and they just played dumb. The next time I had to go to the bathroom, I tried to squeeze by them sideways with my ass facing the other way and got groped by the other group of girls instead. So basically, I couldn't go to the bathroom there. It was weird. I got over it, obviously, or I would have left, but seriously ladies?

At work it's just weird. I get the 'arm squeeze with eye contact' from women fairly often, which you just ignore because you don't want to be the one to assume that anything is sexual. I've had my ass slapped twice.

I've had a supervisor let me know that she would be into both my girlfriend and myself if that was the only way we could get it on. The supervisor was going to screw me out of an award for a project I started, but had a last second change of heart.....though she never told me we were up for the award.

I had one guy, apparently bisexual, or may pansexual, inform me that "that's why people work in factories, they wanna fuck." Wasn't shocked when that guy slapped my ass one night when he convinced everyone to go out for drinks."

Had a linebacker walk in and start rubbing my shoulders while a bunch of us were playing video games. I had a controller, was obviously playing, told him to fuck off.

Had one guy join my intramural team just to be around me, and tell me shit like "if I can wrestle a 400 pound steer to the ground I can wrestle you to the ground."

Life is weird.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread