Men of Reddit, what thing do female coworkers do that is not quite sexual harassment, but you wish they would stop doing it so you can be comfortable at work?

I have been touched several times and it has made me uncomfortable. Like, semi-groping my shoulder or even just punching my arm because you’re smaller than me. At what point is there no double standard? I’ve gone a little too far once and the female employee made it very clear she had personal space that did not warrant touching or grabbing whatsoever (I tapped her shoulder to get her attention).

I wouldn’t mention it if the reverse had been done and I was doing those things to a woman. I get it, sometimes you can hit it off with someone and it warrants a little bit of playful behaviour, but not once did I indicate I was ready for physical contact. Fact of the matter is, if I’m unprepared for it then I wasn’t asking for it even in the slightest bit. This has caused several straining moments in my work place and caused me to leave a job. While not exactly sexual harassment, that type of flirting is still unprofessional and makes the workplace environment awkward both ways. I know plenty of women who would lose their shit or insinuate a man is a serial rapist based of this behaviour and it’s important to reinforce the double standard here.

/r/AskReddit Thread