Men of reddit, what is the worst reaction you've gotten after rejecting a girl?

Wasn't too bad, but, when I was in college I asked a girl from my classes out and she gave me the "Oh, I'm just so busy, I don't know.." I got the message and said, "OK, no problem, school's pretty overwhelming." No big deal, I asked because I wanted to, and got an answer either way.

Except.... She then went and told all of our classmates that I'd asked her out. Asked each one why I would ask her out. I walked into class and everyone stopped talking and just stared at me. It was awkward.

I asked her out because, we got along, she laughed at me jokes and I wanted to see if there was more there. We weren't "friends", she was just a classmate I got along with and whom I found attractive.

Anyways, it was pretty uncomfortable for the day, especially because no one would tell me what was going on initially.

Then after school, her friends would text me with her phone "confessing her love for me" and then I got a BS apology for her "silly friends" the next day.

It sounds bad, and it was uncomfortable for a week, but I caught on pretty quickly that if that was how she treated people, I definitely dodged a bullet.

/r/AskReddit Thread