Mental health Mega Thread

There is an “unpopular” opinion posted here every week when people say that “people that are smart should get more scholarships then people that are good at sports”. The thing is that I disagree with that.

First of all that doesn’t make much sense financially, sports bring in more money, and Second of all I can almost guarantee that there people that make these posts have never played a sport in their lifetime. Some people play a certain sport since they were like 5, they’ve been going to practices since they were 5 just for one sport, and soon as they get to high school they practice everyday for 4+ months as well as have games, and people that play multiple sports do more. If I were to tell you that a person studies everyday after school for at least 2 hours and more you would h Think that they were smart, but if I person is getting better at a sport It just doesn’t count. Practices are studying the game, they’re improving yourself. There are people that are gifted that don’t necessarily have to practice and work hard compared to others, but that goes for academics as well. If you’re fantastic at a sport arhat you’ve been working at since you were 5 then you do deserve to go to a good college.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread