mental illnesses as a personality trait

Everyone is told they are special, and when they have no proof of it, they grasp at whatever is easiest to gain them that title. There's been this very strange phenomena where being extra fragile and broken is seen as rewarding, like who can suffer the most, and it most definitely must come from neglect. What happens is, instead of actually building character by having to reflect on yourself and the world around you, people go for quick gratifications. It's why my recent ex was trying to say she had D.I.D. after I got my diagnosis. She had not done work on herself to flesh out who she wanted to be in life, and so she followed whatever she thought looked most within reach and attractive- me (ayyyy just kidding) but my diagnosis. She's starting to find herself now, and we're still in touch, but yeah when I was trying to find similar people to me, suddenly a whole world opened up full of people "who got it" and mostly this was true, but when my life settled down and stopped looking so neat and exciting, the desire to copy me went down. No one copies the older, put together people because it is very hard to fake genuine character development, and healthy development doesn't result in dramatic, crazy living.

/r/fakedisordercringe Thread