idk if this belongs here but this makes me so mad, especially the comments

…why would they want BPD? The stigma is so bad that I denied my actual diagnosis for 7 years. I’ve literally switched psychiatrists because of their bpd diagnosis. I finally accepted it this year after a therapist I trust diagnosed me because I realized ALL of these professionals with their years of school and training can’t be wrong. And what did I do after accepting the diagnosis? I did everything in my power to treat it!! I want to go into remission! I do therapy twice a week, one of the sessions being DBT. It’s like school for emotions. I don’t want this shit. It’s painful as hell and no matter how much I’ve healed my romantic relationships suffer. I don’t tell anyone about my diagnosis outside of reddit. I told one “friend” ONCE and any grievances I ever had towards her were “oh you sure it’s not your bpd speaking?”… never again. I would do anything to be “normal” and not have to constantly work to rewire my brain. This trend is so disturbing, I really hope they aren’t claiming BPD so they can excuse their toxic behaviors. We have enough stigma as is.

/r/fakedisordercringe Thread Link -