I was friends with her and she told me she had just got diagnosed but then she posted this video with this behavior and I had a hard time believing her. But What do you guys Think?

I have also been misgender and getting weird looks a lot but I don’t complain because I do not care what other think. And maybe people should start doing that. I have been bullied all my life because off my disorder but I don’t happily go around and say how shit my mental health is. I have had people pretending to have adhd and looking just like that and made fun off me. So it hurt for me to see something like this. I get how hard it can be and I’m all for spreading awareness or share experience but this. And I do not think this is cringe but concerning with how they portray mental disorders.

I’m just stating that it’s a bizarre behavior to have then you say that you have this many disorders and illness and I find very disturbing with that “fun and quirky” behavior I have offered my help and a talk to this person and we had but then they didn’t wanna be friends anymore because we have different opinions on different like political and I haven’t even been friends with this individual for that long either.

Plus it’s the internet people state there opinions and are allowed to. But I do not stand for literally threats against this person because they are still human.

And fine I may be an asshole because I have a hard time getting the pronouns right but I then I first saw this person I thought she was a girl it was first later on I found the are trans or non binary and then I just have a hard getting it right that just how that is believe me I have been trying but. And because I made these “” between the gender thing is because I do not understand it because it does not make sense to me.

So hate if you want I do not care and downvote see you frustration and why you get offended. And do with this comment as you will.

/r/fakedisordercringe Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it