Mentorship struggles

What aspects of the field do you enjoy the most? I would make a list of everything you love, like, dislike and hate about the field so far then ask her if she can guide you through specializations that cover your points.

For example, I chose digital librarianship/digital curation because I like 1) working with technology 2) enabling learning/exploration through digital mediums 3) getting to work with more tech-aligned people who I find to be more open to change and pragmatism

I dislike 1) not having telework options (which there are more of in digital jobs) 2) working with systems that are too rigid (much of digital services has the benefit of incorporating emerging technologies so things can change faster) 3) being buried in actual books all day. I love books but I don’t find catalogging, reshelving, etc to be as fascinating as digital services

/r/Libraries Thread