Merry (Lonely for me) Gay Christmas

20 here. My dad didn't help anything being a massive homophobe, but I'm still struggling with the idea. I always looked at and liked both genders, but romantically I've come to the understanding that a guy will probably be most natural for me. Like my instincts have always been nudging me in that direction, but I never listened. I've done things with a guy twice and I have to say flat out hookups are not for me. Man or woman i just don't like it. But when I'm with a guy I really care about theres no comparison. That was the most I've felt anything ever. I don't want to be graphic but it was like a giant train of obvious litterally fell out of the sky and right on top of my head... And I still didn't believe it then. I thought it was fluke.

TL;DR Don't feel bad. Sexuality is a weird and taboo subject no one likes talking about and everyone thinks they've got figured out. Just listen to your feelings (cliche, I know) and I think you'll end up happier.

/r/gay Thread