Mid to late game VC army composition

Mannfred | Spellcaster + Support. SpiritL/Bjuna/RaiseDead/Heal. Aura size + Crypt horror, graveyard, skeleton, zombie attack and charge

Banshee | Decked out in any magic, missile resist, ward save, damage items possible. Hero hunter.


Terrorgheist x 2 | Vargheists are to squishy. Needs too much micromanagement. I use TG to lock down big numbers of enemies.

4 Crypt horrors | They are tanky, poisons enemies and has AOE attacks. But after testing, more than 4 feels redundant.
7 Graveguard | Bread and butter infantry line. These are charged in with the crypt horrors to form a beefy melee line.

1 Varghulf | Having one Varghulf is never a bad idea because it can stunlock lords and heroes to death easily.


2 Hexwraiths | They are expensive, but really, really good shock cav.


2 Direwolves | Direwolves are excellent and chasing down routing units and destroy enemy archers and artillery. Underrated utility unit.

Total: 20
Optional: Replace 1 graveguard for a Wight King if you want unit exp and have enough items to make him durable.

Playstyle: I go for a very beefy and durable army that uses Terrorgheists to lock down lots of enemy units so that my main line will have an advantage. Poison from Crypt horrors makes it even more durable. My mannfred is in the front line casting damage spells and healing and buffing the army with undeath resurgent, and has further "divide and conquer" tools with raise dead as it creates a wall from any reinforcing armies. For utility I use direwolves and Hexwraiths as my mobile units to go for enemy artillery. My banshee focuses enemy heroes but needs some micromanagement as she can die fairly fast sometimes.

Summed up in one sentence: Split the enemy up and brute force them down.

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