Mike Pence warns U.S. heading for Canada-style health care if Graham-Cassidy bill fails

It's not that simple. People on Reddit like to pretend it is, and label a huge number of Americans as just complete morons who are deeply, illogical afraid of some word called socialism, but it's much more deep seeded and complicated than that.

I'll start off with the obvious. American healthcare isn't great, and that's because of its accessibility. With that being said, those who have good insurance through employment or other means DO have access to quite arguably the best medical care in the entire world. US medical schools are the best in the world. We produce the most groundbreaking research, the best surgeons, the best treatment methods, etc.

The real reason there is opposition to socialized healthcare is because Americans have a long history in which hard work has afforded special privileges. This mentality has been hundreds of years in the making. Since our establishment we have had people come from poverty all over the world, embrace the vast amount of opportunity in the US, and turn their labor into an intangible amount of riches. People still do this today. Many of the most recognizable billionaires in our nation come from humble, or at the very least, not insanely rich backgrounds. Many Americans, whether they'll admit it or not, have seen their parents or grandparents work endlessly and find themselves in excellent financial situations, able to afford massive houses, new cars, the best food, etc.

The problem now is that our country has grown and changed over time. We have over 300 million people now. The opportunities to access wealth and privileges like good healthcare, while still there, are not nearly as easy to seize or as widely available. We have more corruption from large companies that disrupts our government. Today we have millions of people who ARE working hard who still aren't getting afforded things like access to good healthcare.

We are at a turning point, or crossroad, where older people who have seen the old American way work for their families for generations are hard-pressed to accept that these "privileges" that they and their ancestors worked hard for are going to be given to people for FREE, while on the opposite hand we have many people today who see the shortcomings of this method and how working hard does not necessarily equate to gaining access these privileges.

Sooner or later, whether in 2 years, or in 10, or in 20, we are going to change our healthcare system. It will happen. But I really wish people on Reddit would stop equating it to Americans just being complete imbeciles who run around afraid of socialism. It's much more complicated than that. Also we should really stop using this one facet of American life to stop painting the US as some third world hellhole on reddit, because we all know that is frankly a load of shit. The USA provides the great opportunities in the world to this day--some of the greatest opportunities to earn money, some of the most freedoms, etc. I mean, come on, people....

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - globalnews.ca