Mike Rowe and our need to respect blue color jobs

I was totally on board with him until he told everyone that white collar jobs barely resemble work. K Bro, you define physics in a video game in an evening and tell me it wasn't work. I'm waiting.

I've generally liked Mike Rowe but that moment he said that it made me lose all respect for him and all he was about. I thought he was for treating all jobs equally. That white and blue collar jobs are both work.

You know why you are losing blue collar jobs? Because they aren't fun and we are learning to automate them. WHICH WE SHOULD! Oh you repair water lines? That's fine but don't stop me from building water_main_repairer 2.0. He's going to replace a part of your job and anything to prevent that progress of technology is criminal. "lets just stop progress of technology and humanity because we want to preserve jobs." I don't think so. There are people in lesser countries that won't be able to afford these robots. I am sure you can go over there and work.

The real issue though is Arts, Entertainment and STEM is going to be the wave of the future of jobs. Sorry to say if you have picked a job outside of that such as a service industry then you are in for some trouble.

I hear you saying "BUT BUT THOSE WILL GET AUTOMATED AWAY TOO!". So? As a server admin I'd automate away half my job most the positions I took. You still need a human for parts of it. If we automate away the entirety of the job then at that point you still need a fall back because to automation is 100%. You still need someone to come deal with the automation when it doesn't work. You will need people but just less.

TL;DR: Society needs to catch up with technology. You shouldn't limit technology in order to do that. That's simply backwards and if we stop progressing then the country as a whole will become less and less of what it really was founded on. Freedom and power.

/r/television Thread Link - youtube.com