The miracle of Woergl

Your "explanation" was just ignoring the point I made. Frankly, the reason your getting so much disagreement on this sub is because what you're saying doesn't make sense. No, people don't carry around gold bars to trade (are you trying to set up a straw man or are you just really that stupid?) but they do make direct exchanges, especially in terms of services. It's another form of the "if you pay me in cash i'll knock a couple bucks off deal" where the individual just isn't going to report this in taxes. Also store credit / exchanges are a thing for a reason. Gamestop has a way to report that, the junk shop you walk into very well may not, or may do so in an intentionally incomplete manner. Also, the only purpose of currency isn't to pay taxes. Your argument is ridiculous--and while you keep on making the point that somewhere, someone has to have this money--that doesn't mean that everyone everywhere won't be seeking to have less of it and generally avoid it.

If you are actually a student of economics you are a poor one, and your arrogance makes you look even less competent than you likely are. You keep saying I'm not worth your time--but I'm actually done speaking with you. My hope is that at a later date you become less of a douche waffle.

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