MIT study concludes solar energy has best potential for meeting the planet's long-term energy needs while reducing greenhouse gases, and federal and state governments must do more to promote its development.

No. That isn't reasonable. You have no idea who I am or what my qualifications are. To demean me is an asshole move. Do what you want in the future, but its a logical fallacy to think you can extrapolate a personality based on such limited interaction. Thanks for comparing me to leftish stereotypes. I'm an Aeronautical and Renewable Energy Systems Engineer. There is no agency regulating reported energy collection rates of renewable energy. They lie. It helps them make money. Let the product catch on and then we'll fix all the kinks.

Solar thermal is probably fine - I wouldn't argue against that because as I said in another post, even marginal initial heating of water in a home has notable efficiency increases. I think those are creative and good things to pursue.

we continue on today's model, even with economies of scale, our #1 product is waste

The world is fucked - the only clean energy is the energy you dont use. I don't see anyone wanting to give up their Xbox to save the world anytime soon. The more access you have to cheap energy; either the world will become more and more populated or individuals will have more and more available energy to use for good or evil.

Not that hard. According to one report, 80% of fossil fuel must not be burned if we want any hope of controlling climate change.

Not exactly what I meant - you can measure CO2; how do you measure poisoning ground water / ecosystems? You can afford to poison some ground water probably.

And according to the full "accepted" global warming theory, even if we stopped producing CO2 and GHGs today, we still wouldn't be below 350ppm in 20+ years.

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