Monthly User Story Megathread - March 2020

New to this reddit. Hope this story doesnt sound like a repeat. Im 21(M) and have been living with my parents since I graduated, and have been working as well (Thanks, Capitalism).

Truth be told, my mom is fine. My dad, however...

Is the true definition of a huge prick. Just this morning, he accused myself and my brother of opening his mail and hiding it, when we both know better. Usually, it turns into “how loud can he yell before he hears my/both our defense”

Backtrack to a week, his birthday. I went into his shed, to get something to help with something HE said I could do, and he turned around and essentially a “worthless lazy human”, who was unreliable, and the only reason I wasn’t moved out, was he hadn’t kicked me out, due to thinking I was irresponsible. As of currently, I’ve set out to prove him wrong.

There are tons of stories I could bring up about living in his house, by his rules, but I think I may actually find the reddit post character limit.

/r/insaneparents Thread